Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm Melting...Melting!!!!!

This past week has been pretty hot and humid here in Shanghai (at least 90F and very humid). As you might know I choose to walk home from the subway after work, which is about a 30 minute walk, needless to say in this heat and humidity I get home looking like I just jumped into a pool. Well yesterday Renee met me at the front gate of our apartment complex and we were walking back to our apartment, me looking wetter then ever, as we were passing by one of the outdoor playgrounds, we happened to meet a friend of ours from Singapore. Now for those of you that are not familiar with Singapore, it is small island not too far from the Philippines, basically the temperature there never goes below 70F, so they have an idea as to what hot is.

We stopped to have small chat with our friend and she said to Renee and I that it was "much cooler then yesterday." Now mind you, at this point I was looking like the Nazi guy did in Raiders of the Lost Ark after they opened the Ark of the Covenant (just without all the cool clay-mation effects), of course my first thought was, I am not sure I can tell the ½ degree difference and the 1% drop in humidity after 30 minutes of walking in my own butt sweat, but maybe she knows hot better then I do. Renee just replied with, "yes it is" and we moved on, me walking away looking like Swamp Thing...moral of the story, wear good pants that do not show off your butt sweat.

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