Thursday, March 15, 2007


Its been a couple of weeks since the whole Peter Pan peanut butter scandal hit the news. Just a couple of days ago, they expanded their recall to include even more of the peanut butter. A little background as to why I am bringing this up, it was last March that my family and I were visiting Disney World in Orlando. When we got there, the first place we went was the grocery store, to stock up on the necessities..peanut butter being one of them. We never ever eat Peter Pan brand peanut butter, so I can't re-call why we did on this particular occasion (my wife is convinced that it was on sale since I am so cheap). Nonetheless, we bought it and I must have had some. Now without getting into the fine details of everything, yes it was one of the re-called peanut butter containers and I got violently ill. I mean it was bad, for basically 2 days I couldn't eat anything and I could hardly even drink anything. I have had the stomach flu in the past (maybe a 24 hour thing), but this takes the cake, it was really bad. So for anyone trying to imagine how bad Salmonella is, I can tell you, it's real bad. The only reason we knew it was the re-called peanut butter was that my in laws took the rest of the PB home with them when we left for China and they were just going to get to it a couple of weeks ago when they looked at the code on it and noticed it was a part of the huge re-call, oh well, I'm sticking with Skippy or JIF from now on.

As a side note, when I went to see the doctor over this, she said to me, "yeah this is going around, it should be gone in a couple of days." Some conclusions I gathered from this doctors visit:
  • If doctors don't know what exactly is going on, they say "yeah this is going around, it should be gone in a couple of days." Yes friends they spend 1million years in school to tell me something my wife was telling me (minus the whole "this is going around" part)
  • I don't know how this was "going around" if they real outbreak has just happened fairly recently.

IN: HDTV, yes yes, I may be a little late on this, but its still very in. My parents bought a 57 inch flatscreen HDTV, and got the HD service through their cable provider. Yes my friends, this technology has finally hit the mainstream when my parents partake. Thus, we have officially moved from, let's go to so and so's house to watch the game in HD, rather nobody will really have to say that since it's becoming the thing to do. Being here in China, I have not had a real chance to indulge in the HD craze (saw some events back home, but usually in a public place where I couldn't get the full feel of it), but I am excited to know that when I get back, HD will be all over. When I saw my first game on HD, I was one of those that said, there isn't a huge difference. Then I watched a part of a game on a new HD flatscreen, and knew that HD was my destiny.

OUT: Peter Pan peanut butter, you are definitely out. For me, you will be out for basically the rest of my life. I know, not all of Peter Pan peanut butter is contaminated, but what I went through for those two days I would not wish on anyone, so I stick with some other nice competitor.

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