Sunday, March 18, 2007

I called it

I know that the second round has already begun, but let me give you a quick summary of the first was not that exciting. Basically everyone won who was supposed to win, with the exception of Notre Dame, who I, of course, said would not win, so that was not a big surprise(note in the picture, no jersey popping, looks like the guys are listening to my In's and Out's). Other then that, everyone is in the running for their office pools, cause, inevitably, everyone picks either the #1, #2, or #3 teams to make it to the final four and as of the end of the first round (and so far today) they are all still in the race. I was a huge homer and picked 'Nova to go to the elite eight (I did the same last year and they did it, so I thought I some kind of Miss Cleo connection with my boys), but alas they lost in the first round so I just hope that all my picks come out (as of right now, all my major picks are still the running, no major mishaps, although I am regretting having OSU in the final four).

IN: Non-farm raised fish (yes I know, this in turn makes farm raised fish out, which is is, but I will spare you a whole conversation on this). Yes, the mass has spoken and they are saying, "I want to eat fish caught where they were supposed to be swimming." Farm raised fish have been around for years in the States, but the quality is getting worse and worse and many people are paying a premium to get the fresh non-farm raised fish over the farm raised. In fact, in many menus across the States, you will see where the fish is caught prominently placed in the description showing that you are paying for the real thing (be weary of those restaurants that don't show it, they are just hiding that they use frozen farm raised fish). Besides the fact that the farm raised fish eat their own poop (as they are just essentially in a man made lake, they also do not get to swim in a natural environment (many of the times they are meaty due to the things they are fed, not because they do a lot of swimming that a fish in a natural environment would do). So, go out and get your fresh natural fish and know that you are part of the in crowd.
OUT: Being a socialist/communist. Yes, hold the presses, you hear it first right here, being a communist is not in. You will note that I am in China, but we all know they are just pretenders anyway, and while in 2005 and 2006 people thought that Castro's reign was finally grabbing some new listeners (see Venezuela's Chavez for example), but alas people are rejecting this. Castro is about to be cooked (my prediction is that he doesn't make it through the hot summer), and the South Americans are rejecting the uprising of socialism being led by Chavez (see the Ecuadorian election, where the people elected the more conservative candidate instead of Chavez's boy). Yes I know that Castro has his predecessor, but even Cuba has allowed McD's to come in and others to follow, Castro loves to ring in Capitalism with a nice Big Mac. So for all you countries that are looking to get rid of democracy and change over to a dictator...I mean communistic system, you are out in 2007 (and for the rest of time, while I have your attention).

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