So, to the average web browser I can imagine reading a blog might be boring, particularly reading a blog about someone's life. So as an added bonus to my blog fans (all 3 of you out there) I have decided (in my second day of blogging) that most of my entries will include an "in" and an "out" at the end of each entry. This in and out would define fads, news stories, current events, sports, or other pop culture references that are currently "in" meaning that, in my world of knowledge, they are new or are the it thing, or "out" meaning that they are old news and need to be put away. So, drum roll please, my first in-out is below:
IN: Podcasting your radio show/tv talk show. Okay, so I know this has been done for over a year, but many of the major media outlets are finally letting their radio/tv informational shows be podcasted, and I'm not talking about video podcasting (do I really have to wait 3 hours to download this?), I'm talking about just regular podcasting. I mean look at ESPN, basically, their podcasting has been my life blood into the world of sports while I'm over here in China. The Junkies from WJFK in DC have been my life blood in sports, news, and pop culture. So congrats to those media outlets that have been awesome about podcasting thier stuff, and to those of you who have not caught up, now's your chance!!!
OUT: Jersey Popping! Yes, the "thing to do" after a big win in college basketball in 2005/2006 is now OUT. Come on youngins, can't you come up with something new, I think after watching 4 quarters of you playing in that jersey the viewer would realize what school you play for. I don't get to watch much college hoops over here in Shanghai, but there has to be a new move that can be introduced, I mean Allan Ray of Villanova tried eye popping last year (a lot more discomfort then jersey popping, but he is okay and it got 'Nova some attention), okay so I'm joking here, no one attempt eye popping, but I'm looking forward to seeing something other then a guy flashing me VCU on their jersey come tourney time.
IN: Podcasting your radio show/tv talk show. Okay, so I know this has been done for over a year, but many of the major media outlets are finally letting their radio/tv informational shows be podcasted, and I'm not talking about video podcasting (do I really have to wait 3 hours to download this?), I'm talking about just regular podcasting. I mean look at ESPN, basically, their podcasting has been my life blood into the world of sports while I'm over here in China. The Junkies from WJFK in DC have been my life blood in sports, news, and pop culture. So congrats to those media outlets that have been awesome about podcasting thier stuff, and to those of you who have not caught up, now's your chance!!!
OUT: Jersey Popping! Yes, the "thing to do" after a big win in college basketball in 2005/2006 is now OUT. Come on youngins, can't you come up with something new, I think after watching 4 quarters of you playing in that jersey the viewer would realize what school you play for. I don't get to watch much college hoops over here in Shanghai, but there has to be a new move that can be introduced, I mean Allan Ray of Villanova tried eye popping last year (a lot more discomfort then jersey popping, but he is okay and it got 'Nova some attention), okay so I'm joking here, no one attempt eye popping, but I'm looking forward to seeing something other then a guy flashing me VCU on their jersey come tourney time.
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