Saturday, May 26, 2007

Santa's Clean Sweep

Similar to last Saturday morning, I woke up at around 6am (yes my life is that awesome). Both mornings were like any other weekend mornings with me reading until the kids got up. The only thing that was different was all of the sudden I heard the tune of "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" outside of our apartment. It was gradually getting louder as if the noise was being carried on something. My excitement was building as I was expecting some presents to be flung into my hands as I fell into a comatose state dreaming of reindeer and elves. Needless to say that didn't happen, but I finally looked out as the tune got to its pinnacle and noted that it was a street cleaning truck that was playing the song to warn bikers and other passers by that it was coming (not quite what I was expecting). I want to point out that while it may seem really unusual to have a Christmas song as the street cleaner tune in the middle of May, it kind of makes sense. You tend to hear Christmas songs in department stores and other shops all throughout the year, most of them are either just smooth jazz Kenny G type of songs and others have the actual words being sung. The big thing is there is still a significant population that doesn't speak English so playing an English song isn't a big deal, and the rest of the population doesn't truly understand Christmas, so again it is not a big deal.

Back to the street cleaner, it got the tune stuck ringing in my ear, and I guess I have solved the mystery of what Santa does the other 364 days of the year, if you believe that. I'll have to see if he can get me some of those awesome rainbow candy canes, yum.

SIDE NOTE: Did you know that Greg Page from the Wiggles (or formerly from the Wiggles as I think he is retired(ing)) likes to sing about "hot potatoes and fruit salad, yummy yummy." A good fact I have learned after watching a Wiggles video for the 50th time.

SIDE NOTE 2: My family and I are over here in China on a sweet expatriate package with my Company. Compared to the going rate here, we really do make an insane amount of money. If you want a story of a Westerner that is trying to live the local life, check out this blog. It is this guy, Ben Ross, who is working as a barber in a city in China on the wage that a regular barbershop apprentice would make and he documents all his experiences of working a local job and the ups and downs of that job. Pretty interesting as most of you westerners will only hear stories from your very well to do western friends about working in China.

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