So yesterday the US Postal Service increased the first class stamp rate to 41 cents, a not so massive 5% increase from the 39 cents. This marks the 2nd time in 2 years that the rate has increased (last increase was January 2006). To show you how irrelevant the price of stamps have become, the only news about it was more for informational purposes rather then getting negative reaction from the public. In fact, I really think no one cares anymore about stamps, they could have increased it to 50 cents and there wouldn't even be a rumbling, so why they don't do it is beyond me. Anyway, being the smart people that they were, the USPS introduced the forever stamp. A stamp that can be used for first class mail no matter how much they increase the price in the future. Actually this is a great deal for anyone who actually uses stamps and I'm very confused on how the USPS thinks they will benefit from this. Basically they might make a little more money this year, but they are so far in the hole that it really doesn't matter, and they are setting themselves up to be even farther in the hole in the future because people can just buy up these things now and in 20 years (if the stamp is still around) the price will be over $1.00 and the smart people will still be sending stamps they bought at 41 cents.
Now you may ask why I am ranting about stamps, but I worked in a mailroom in college, so I feel a sort of psychotic connection to stamps and mail, and I just don't understand this move (although you will see me buying up some of these and saving one for when I am old and sticking it to the man when I send out a letter for 41 cents).
IN: Paying for your music. When I was in college, way back when, I would indulge in the free peer to peer programs and download music. I think its high time that people start to paying for their music. Not paying for your music was cool 5 years ago, prior to Itunes and other cool programs, now it is just rediculous. Remember, the artist doesn't really benefit much from CD sales and song downloads, so stop thinking you are sticking it to the rich musician, rather you are hurting the people in the Company who are involved with production (most of which are not multi-millionaires). Just dish out the $1 for that sweet sound of Kelly Clarkson.
OUT: The USPS, can I say anymore about this, when we lived in the States I only sent one bill using the mail and that was the only time I used stamps, so sorry guys, need to come up with a better alternative.
Now you may ask why I am ranting about stamps, but I worked in a mailroom in college, so I feel a sort of psychotic connection to stamps and mail, and I just don't understand this move (although you will see me buying up some of these and saving one for when I am old and sticking it to the man when I send out a letter for 41 cents).
IN: Paying for your music. When I was in college, way back when, I would indulge in the free peer to peer programs and download music. I think its high time that people start to paying for their music. Not paying for your music was cool 5 years ago, prior to Itunes and other cool programs, now it is just rediculous. Remember, the artist doesn't really benefit much from CD sales and song downloads, so stop thinking you are sticking it to the rich musician, rather you are hurting the people in the Company who are involved with production (most of which are not multi-millionaires). Just dish out the $1 for that sweet sound of Kelly Clarkson.
OUT: The USPS, can I say anymore about this, when we lived in the States I only sent one bill using the mail and that was the only time I used stamps, so sorry guys, need to come up with a better alternative.
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