So the other day I was in my Hong Kong office and I was washing my hands in the really nice bathroom. Actually, it was one of the nicest lit bathrooms that I have been in. As I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror to peruse my face and noticed something that shocked me. You see, I am 26, and while I am not the most fashionable guy, I do pride myself on at least looking like I can put myself together in the morning. To my surprise and dismay, when I was looking in the mirror at myself, I noticed what looked like some hair follicles that connected my left eyebrow to my right eyebrow, this would otherwise be referred to as a UNIBROW. Yes, somehow I have missed the fact that I had developed a unibrow. What comes even more surprising is the fact that my wife has never told me about it or that one of my friends never pulled me over to tell me (or at least use it as a butt of a joke). I just can't believe it, I mean I have kept track of hair growing out of nose, ears and other crevices....as much as I can. When I mentioned it to my wife, all she could do is laugh in my face, which by the way, didn't make me feel any better about the situation. Oh well, get out the wax.
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