Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dr. Nick, is that you?

For those of you that might not of watched the Simpson's (yes I know that the show is still on TV with new episodes, but let's face it, it's run was over like 8 years ago), the reference to Dr. Nick is Dr. Nick Riviera as pictured above. He was the quack doctor that would always show up when someone needed cheap medical aid and he was always the one who would say something to the extent that he had no idea what he was doing.

That being said, I reference him because my orthopaedic doctor yesterday reminded me of Dr. Nick. I go into his office and he takes about 10 minutes to figure out how to turn on his computer in his office (I know that doctors do not need to be techies, but they should know how to turn on their computer). He shows me the X-Ray of my fractured toe looks at it and proclaims that it is a total fracture and that it will need to be repaired. Then he turns to me and asks what I want to do. Well not being a medical expert, I said, "I have no idea, whatever you think is best." At which point he sits back in his chair and thinks for a while without a response. He then runs out of the room and comes in with a finger splint. After examining the finger splint, he noted that my small toe would be too small so he sat thinking for another couple of minutes. Then he looked at me and said, "What do you think we should do?" Typically if a doctor asks this question I think he is asking it in a rhetorical sense, but for some reason I think he was actually asking me what we should do. I suggested that we do whatever heals the fastest and he agreed.

In the end I am not sure if he decided or if I decided on the final treatment (as I was kind of giving him suggestions), but we decided it would best to try to pull the toe back into a position of where it would heal faster and then put a modified cast/splint on it so that it would not move or be able to have weight on it. So in the end he pull it back into its original position as a toe. My toe was numb, but he did keep pulling and tugging on it and kept looking at my other foot, almost like he had never seen what five toes together should look like. Anyway, he got it back into place and says that I will be on crutches for 2 weeks. I hope my toe is still there after the 2 weeks, I am waiting in anticipation.

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