Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just not right

I think my daughter, at the tender age of 3 ½, has already lost her admiration for her father. I mean, I always thought that kids would really look up to their parents until at least 5, but my daughter has already begun to wonder, "Is there something wrong with the Dad I was given?"

Let's take, for example, the other day. I was having fun with my kids and we had some music playing while Maddie and Jacob were eating lunch. I decided to get up and show off my styling dance moves (sorry folks, but there are yet to be any published pictures or videos of these moves, so don't ask). When I started to gracefully get "down with the music" (as they say on the streets…of Shanghai), Maddie started looking at me as if I had no head. She began to shake her head and proclaimed to me, "That's just not right." I guess my daughter cannot truly appreciate the artful form of dancing that I employ, oh well, it will come with time.

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