Sunday, April 15, 2007

The First Day

As I mentioned before, my parents woke up at around 2:30 am on the first day of their visit. They managed to get a couple hours of sleep, but all in all they were pretty exhausted throughout the day (welcome to Shanghai). Fen, our Ayi here in Shanghai, arrived at around 8am, she made us a nice Chinese homemade breakfast of .... Crepes. After breakfast I decided to head to the hospital to visit with Renee and see how she was doing. In the meantime I had arranged for my parents to start their adventure by giving them massages, in fact the name of the massage was the Happy Landing massage (yes Happy Landing, I assume they know this is a play on words over here), they got the massages at the DragonFly Salon by our apartment.

After the massages, I met the rents back at the apartment, after lunch we headed downtown to visit with Renee. Renee was told that she had to stay another night (by the way the first day is Thursday), so after having family time with Renee we headed out to Xintiandi (pictured above). We walked around to see the sights around Xintiandi (avoided all the restaurants as they are mostly a tourist trap and overly expensive). We then head to a good Cantonese style restaurant on Huai Hai Road. The rents really enjoyed the meal and we all headed home on the subway full and happy that they had survived their first full day.

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