Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Can you spare a square?

I still don't know what day was Earth Day, but I do know it just passed recently. I also know that the singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow originally suggested that we use only one square of toilet paper per use, in the latest news it is suggested that she was merely making a joke. Yes, I'm sure she was just joking, cause as we all know, using one square would be impossible for many of us Americans. Just the thought of what goes into our bodies and then how that is formed into what comes out makes me want to pull the toilet paper to a length of at least 2 feet per hit and, without getting too personal, we all know that one hit is not enough (a line that was ironically used a lot on April 20th).

Let me give my quick 2 cents on the environment, listen we can all do something to make a difference, I don't agree that we celebrate this day to try to get people to do something little that will save the environment. Yes a little bit helps, I am even seriously considering adding solar panels to my roof back home, but I'll be the first to admit this is more to save money rather then the environment. Changes have to be made on a much larger scale, it can't be just telling people, hey get out and walk to the store or reuse that bath water or stuff like that. No doubt if more people do this, it can help, but it still wouldn't be enough to make any kind of impact. There's another day for me to get into solutions, but I don't think we can solve everything without people's minds being changed, and even though there are some things that would help to slow down pollution out there, people are not yet ready to embrace these ideas.

IN: I can't believe I am saying this, Alex Rodriguez (hold on, I am currently vomiting in my mouth, wait...okay I got it back down). A-Rod plays for, in my opinion, the team that is most closely related to scum of the earth, so being associated with it makes him one of its own. But I can't deny the fact that he has hit 14 homers thus far in April and is having a really really good April. Pujols did similar last year, and got hurt, so I am not saying that A-Rod should be handed the MVP right now, I am merely acknowledging that if anything is actually "IN" in the MLB, A-Rod would be it. I am not sure why fans hate him so much, he does seem a little cocky, but you can't hate him for the money he makes and he is a really good player (until October). So A-Rod, I don't wish any injuries on you, but I really hope you go into a deep slump until January of 2010.

OUT: Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump's feud, in fact anything related to Rosie O'Donnell (Donald Trump still has some things that could be considered "IN", the Apprentice not being one of them). I don't understand celebrities, and I especially don't understand their feuds. But why Rosie would use some stupid women's Matrix Awards ceremony to continue the war of words with the Don is just plain childish. Rosie is legitimately crazy (comments over her whole career can attest to this), so why Donald would even want to get involved is beyond me, but I don't even get why anyone would report words between these two. I really hope Rosie doesn't renew with The View so I don't have to hear her blabber anymore and I really hope this is the last season of The Apprentice, so we don't have to hear Donald say "You're Fired" again (I mean really, it was good season 1, maybe 2, but now it is foolish). **UPDATE** So Rosie didn't renew for The View, its official, she must have read my blog, and if I am a psychic, then sorry Donald.

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