Friday, January 18, 2008

My wife is a Supernova

As many of you know, I am a very cheap young man, thus during winter I try to convince my family to utilize as little heat as possible in order to save money on the gas bill. As a result, our bedroom tends to be pretty chilly (or on certain nights, cold). Since I am so stingy about turning on the heat, not only do we pile the blankets onto bed to keep us warm, but Renee also piles on layers of clothes to help keep herself warm during the cold of the night (not to mention those times that she might have to get out of bed during the night and endure the frigid temps).

The only issue with the fact that Renee has about 6 or 7 layers on, is that she radiates heat during the night. I mean, I try to get close to her to get a little warmer and I can only get within an arm's length of her before the heat radiating off of her body makes me too hot and I have to pull away. I mean I am even scared about getting some sort of heat stroke from laying so close to the "daughter of the sun." I even think that I will have to lather on some SPF 50 to prevent myself from getting sunburn…I mean it's pretty bad. I guess I have 2 choices: 1. turn on the heat and actually get to sleep closer to Renee or 2. keep the heat off and hope that my wife does not get to the point where she is literally melting me as I get into the bed (picture me being one of those guys from Indian Jones who is looking while the Ark of the Covenant has been opened).

I think I'll take my chances with the whole melting thing.

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