Thursday, January 17, 2008

How old am I?

Yesterday our Ayi came in announcing that it was her birthday…something that confused Renee and me because she also had a birthday on December 9. The short way of explaining it is that according to the lunar calendar (the calendar traditionally followed here in China), yesterday, January 16, was in fact December 9 on the lunar calendar, so she did in fact get to celebrate her birthday twice, which could be a concept I adopt since my Company gives me my birthday off, so I could get 2 birthdays off a year.

The bigger issue that I have had is reconciling what my age over here is supposed to be. You see, at birth, the traditional Chinese would consider their baby to be 1, not 0 as we are used to in the US. So I think, over the past year and a half, I have been incorrectly telling people that my age (and I will use current age here) is 27, when here in China I am actually 28. It ultimately doesn't matter as most people assume I am around 33-35 when I am walking around with Renee, Maddie and Jacob, which really came to light when I met someone this weekend who told me that he had graduated from Towson High School in Baltimore in 1987 and when he asked me when I graduated I was kind of embarrassed to say that I graduated high school in 1998 (to all you young'ns reading this, that is still fairly recent). I guess it doesn't matter if people think I am 35 or 30 or 28 or 27, all I know is that I was born in December of 1980, so whatever age you want to say I am, I am fine with it.

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