Being here in China, I have been reacquainted with a drink from some years ago, Tang. The original Tang is an orange-like flavored drink that was typically made from powder form. Here in China they have both the powder and they have it in liquid form. Man, when I am in the mood for some sweet treat, I turn to my liquid Tang. Tang in the bottle is so over the top Tang compared to any other Tang that I have ever had, after drinking one glass I actually have to check to see if all my teeth are still there. Tang in a bottle here is kind of like when the directions on Tang powder say add 3 scoops to 2 cups of water, but you end up adding 6 scoops to 1 cup of water, that is how potent it is, and it is a complete culinary delight that causes your tongue to jump for joy (and your teeth to beg for mercy). I have already asked my wife to stock up on Tang for me so when the family is in the States and I am here I can go on Tang binges and run around Shanghai on sugary Tang highs, I especially can't wait to try that chewy meat on a stick with my tongue still tingling with that orangy Tang flavor.
As a side note, when my wife and I first got married, she would create a drink called Tang-quila's (copyrighted by the Gerkens family, so if I see it on a menu anywhere, we get royalties). For the drink you just add some Tang powder to some Tequila and one other liquor that will remain nameless for secrecy, put some ice into a blender and watch the magic happen, it is quite the tasty and refreshing drink.
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