Monday, September 1, 2008


You might have noticed that there were a couple of posts where I mentioned sleepless nights and a little guest that was staying with us. Well, I wanted to avoid coming out and giving exacts as it is not exactly the most legal process over here. But you probably figured out that we were taking care of a little baby that was in Shanghai recovering. I can tell you that we had a great time taking care of the little one, but not without the frustrations. Basically Sunday night was the first night since the 10th of July that I had gotten a full night's sleep, and even then I was woke up a few times just because my body was used to it. The baby was great to have around, our eyes were really opened up to what it is to take care of a recovering special needs baby along with what it would be like to be taking care of a third child. I really think the hardest part was trying to balance the lack of sleep with still trying to have high energy for Maddie and Jacob. Actually, now that the little one is gone, going back to taking care of 2 kids seems like a walk in the park I mean not having another little one screaming in the background really helps. Now I guess it is back to having sleep filled nights and riding bikes again.

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