Monday, August 11, 2008

What's that on your lips?

Currently I have a cold sore on my upper lip. In a land that doesn't have Blistex or really any advanced lip treatment; I had to resort to an alternative for the cold sore. After going through our medicine cabinet, I found a bottle of Lansinoh. For those of you not familiar, I was introduced to Lansinoh primarily because they were a client of mine. One of the main products that Lansinoh makes is their patented breast cream for breastfeeding mothers or as I refer to it, nipple cream. It is used to prevent dryness of nipples, which is why I turned to this cream. You see, I am not a doctor, but I know enough that the nipples appear to be very similar to lips, so I am currently using the cream on my lips (as originally advised by the former owner of Lansinoh). I have been using it for a couple of days now and it appears that there is a little improvement, but I will give you guys the final update once everything is healed up. So if you happen to see my glimmering lips, you will know what gives them that special glow.

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