Saturday, May 17, 2008

Philippines Day #2

I didn't get back to my hotel until around 10pm from the first day, but I had to get right to bed as I was going to wake up at 6am for day 2. Day 2 involved a tour of Corregidor Island. For a short history, this island, referred to as the Rock, was the site of a couple of pivotal south east pacific battles during World War 2. Basically if you took this Island you had control of the Philippines that was really positioned as the gateway into the South Pacific during World War 2. The US had to originally pull out of Manila, but MacArthur said that the US would be back, and sure enough they came back and gave the good ole beat down to the Japanese. MacArthur is a real legend in Manila for coming back and driving off the Japanese (cause, much like most other places that they occupied, the Japanese did not treat the Filipinos too great). Anyway, the island has all kinds of different barracks, gun memorials, old bombed ruins and other stuff remaining on it from the battles. I am not much of a World War 2 buff (I'll admit I didn't even know the battle took place), but it was a neat day and a really cool place to visit. I attached some pictures below for you viewing pleasure as going into more detail might get too historical for some of you.

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