Thursday, October 11, 2007

Final Thoughts on Singapore

Friends of mine here in Shanghai always says that Singapore was so much better then Shanghai and that everything "just works" there. Not really knowing what that meant before I left, I know now what that means. Singapore is such an easy place for someone who is just visiting to get around, to see things, the people are great, the transportation is great, and everything does just work. We had no issues our whole time while we were there. Singapore is quite an anomaly in all of Asia in that it is a really easy place for a Westerner to go without having to worry about anything, and it is a great tropical island. The one story that I can use to sum up how awesome Singapore was; my colleague lost his camera in a taxi cab, the cab driver not only came back to the hotel to find my colleague, but gave it to the lost and found at the hotel. There is not one other country in all of Asia that I can think that a taxi driver would do this, most other countries, the driver would keep it for themselves or find someway to deny it was there and sell it off. Now this might not have happened with every taxi driver in Singapore, but based on my short time there, it probably would have happened with at least 9 out of 10 of those, and that is how Singapore "just works."

By the way, we stayed at The Regent Hotel and it was the best hotel that I have ever stayed in, so this definitely helped with the experience.

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