Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My daughter...future influential dictator

So before bed tonight we asked Maddie and Jacob to clean up their toys and we told them we would help them. So Maddie comes into the toy room and begins to clean up as we all sang the clean up song. About 30 seconds into cleaning she stops cleaning and climbs onto the couch and proclaims, "Alright, I'll sing the clean up song while you guys clean up." Upon which she began to sing the song while directing us to clean up. For some reason, instead of getting upset, I felt that just because someone was singing the clean up song that I should continue to clean up, so I did. Man my almost 4 year old has down the whole psychology of "how to be a dictator without people even realizing it"...watch out Germany!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.