Tuesday, June 17, 2008

He's a loafer

I'm ignoring the fact that I have not been posting to my blog over this past month. There is really no excuse for that. So for the 1 or 2 readers who would still consider reading my blog, I thank you for sticking through.

On my way home today from work, while I was standing in the subway, a guy came on and began eating a loaf of bread. When I say eating a loaf, I want you to reference the picture below (the internet is crazy, the lady in the picture below is basically eating a loaf of bread that is the same size, shape and probably brand as the guy on the subway today, I know that the picture is terrible, but look at the size of the loaf!!!). The bread is not sliced, so you are basically just pounding a loaf of white bread...mmmm...tasty. The best part was that as this guy was going to town on his loaf of bread, the person next to him was practically coughing out one of his lungs...which didn't phase the bread loaf guy, he was tearing into the bread like it was a turkey leg from Disney World. I wonder if you go into some kind of bread coma after you eat a whole loaf?

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